Will you help us to help others?

We need your help to get people back on their feet.

The work the Vinnies do in New Zealand to help those who are facing great hardship has never been more important. We are there at the grass-roots to support people who are really struggling.

Donate Fundraise

$57,827 raised

$1,000,000 Goal

$57,827 raised

$1,000,000 Goal

Your dollar supports Kiwis and their families

Food Support

Food Banks experienced extreme increases in people accessing food support services in recent months.

Vinnies provides food to families struggling to make ends meet.

Social Assistance

According to the Ministry for Social Development, in the three months to September 2020 the number of people receiving a main benefit was up by 23% - for those people on the Job Seeker benefit the rise was even steeper, up nearly 43%.

Vinnies walk alongside communities, supporting them to navigate through hard times.

Practical Help

Families are choosing between keeping the power on or putting food on the table.

Vinnies helps ease the pressure for families with practical and timely support.

Top Change Makers

You may know St Vincent de Paul Society (Vinnies) from our opportunity shops across New Zealand, but did you know we’ve been providing a helping hand in the community for over 180 years?

Last year we helped over 50,000 kiwis with social support, advocacy, clothing, furniture, food, and housing.

A recent report listed 5 key social areas requiring support. Food security, financial hardship, addictions, housing, and income support & employment are issues facing hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders. Nearly half a million people are on welfare benefits and two thirds of the people currently on welfare have been receiving support for more than a year. It is likely that the number of people who need welfare support for longer than a year will grow as the total number of benefit receipients grows. Previous estimates are that benefit incomes will fall short of income adequacy by up to 35%.


How does my donation help?

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Your donation will go directly to supporting kiwis who are struggling. This includes providing support with food, clothing, household goods, heating and housing. As well as on-going support with social work, advocacy, companionship, youth work and supported employment.

Can I help in other ways?

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Right now, people like you are critical. We need your support now more than ever. If you are unable to make a cash donation at this time, you can support our mission by:

  • Creating your own fundraising event to raise donations from your family, friends or corporate networks.
  • Volunteering at your local Vinnies.
  • Shopping at your local Vinnies Op Shop.
  • Share the Vinnies National Appeal with your network.

Find out more about the impact your donations make